I've never really been into politics that much, and I don't even feel very political today, other than it being an election year and I'm more tuned into the dialogue. But I've been in a little funk ever since I learned that Tim Russert had passed away.
For me, it all started back around 2000 when I happened to catch an episode of Meet the Press one Sunday morning. For some reason, I really connected with Tim. He had such a wonderful way about himself. He was intelligent, funny, charming, down to earth, a hometown guy and a family man. He seemed to know that no matter what happened in life, your family always came first. And I really admired that about him. It seems too few people today really understand the importance of family. I watched the Today show this morning where his son Luke was being interviewed and it was great to hear him talk about the impact his father made in his life. You could almost see Tim's personality and mannerisms in Luke, which was a little strange, but comforting to see.
So why did I feel like I had a personal connection with Tim? It's because he was always on my side. Almost as if he was representing the common person. Almost like being an ambassador to you and me. He didn't care about what party you sided with. He didn't care about the hot air you were blowing (if that was your thing). He just cared about your values. Above all else, he measured each person on their personal values. If you were bending the truth, he'd call you on it. If you were dodging a question, he'd call you on it. But he'd do so in a factual way... making sure to be gentle, but stern. I guess it was his training as a lawyer that helped him hone this skill. As long as you were honest, and believed in what they were saying, then Tim respected you. And what more can you ask for these days?
We can all learn from Tim Russert. I know I've learned a lot just by watching his show over the past 8 years. Thank you Tim for being yourself and for being so honest. You were a great man and I will miss you.