I wanted to take some time to acknowledge Amy Cano, who has helped me over the past couple months on many shoots. For those of you who don't know, Amy came to Chicago for the summer from California to help me out, as well as volunteer for a church she's been working with in Chicago. She's been a great assistant/intern/shotgun car companion/student.
So know you're probably trying to figure out this picture. This was a wedding for Alexis and Josh we did about a month ago, and the reception was at a banquet hall/conservatory. We had some time before the guests arrived, so we went to the museum part of the conservatory to look around. I turned to see where Amy was, and I saw her taking this picture. I started cracking up because here she is, doing a great job at capturing the details of the venue, but the stuffed owl just was just too hilarious. I love how the wings are positioned perfectly to simulate how it's flying around, maybe about to capture a mouse or something like that.
Amy - I know you're probably going to want to kill me for posting this picture, but I had to do it. Thanks again for all your hard work. You're going to be a great photographer and I'm very fortunate we were able to work with each other this summer. Thanks again!