I've been working on updating my website for about a month now. I designed my original website about a year ago and had somone help me turn everything into one large flash file (Thanks Danny Davis). This time I've designed and built everything on my own. I used a program called iWeb to make it all happen. It's not the most sophistiated web program out there, but it is very user friendly and gives me the ability to update content whenever I want. I hope to get the site up in the next couple weeks. In the meantime, here's what the home page will look.
Great blog! Definitely going to add it to my favorites. I can't wait to see the new website. Do you have any more pictures from Green Lake? I would love to see them.
Take care,
I like your new blog also - great use of the ShowIt slideshows....and I like the personal piece about your own wedding/engagement! Since I'm a blogger too, I thought I would post here instead of the pictage forum!
kay beaton
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