I'm very excited because Carolyn and I have officially decided to go to Africa for our honeymoon. We're going to be spending a week on safari in Southeast Africa and then another week at Mauritius, which is an island off the southeast coast. We haven't booked our safari arrangements yet, so if you have any recommendations that would be great. Luckily we didn't have to pay airfare since my airlines miles covered everything. Naturally, I'm excited about all the pictures I'll get to take (don't worry Carolyn...I'll pencil in some quality time with you also.... ha ha...) . My 80 gig portable storage drive will come in very handy since I will not have my laptop to download pictures. I did go to Africa when I was child, and from what I remember, it was very cool! I went to Kenya for about a week as well as the Seychelles which is another island of the southeast coast. I can't wait to go!!!
Hi Steven, I'm excited for you too. Don't forget to get your passport. Maybe you should just call some travel agents for some ideas. Downard handled our years ago. I'll call him and see if he has any suggestions. Mom
Three places come to mind (all are in Kenya):
Amboseli Lodge - Nice, but rugged. Near the foothills of Kilimanjaro and surrounded by a fence to keep out the lions. Mostly plains around this lodge (so you can see a long distance).
Hilton Taita Hills Lodge - More corporate (well, at least relatively speaking) and nicer - great landscaping. More rugged hills and trees around this lodge (which makes for an interesting ride).
Salt Lick Lodge - Looks exactly like Ewok Village. Each cabin is connected by a walkway, making this easily the coolest lodge I have visited. They have their own watering hole which virtually guarantees a close encounter (right in the lobby) with lots of animals. I didn't sleep here, but if I went back this is where I would want to stay.
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