This was taken right in front of the Chicago River.

Here's a shot walking around on Michigan Avenue

Melissa watching people enter the ceremony. I love how you can see the city skyline in the background.

Here's a shot from the backside of the Adler planetarium. I've always thought that it looks like a spaceship, so I guess were going for some kind of futuristic shot here.

I love the flower girl here, she's so excited to be walking down the aisle. And then you have the guy who is calm and collected, he acts like he's done this 10 or 20 times.

It was a perfect day for an outside wedding, even though it was a little windy. Here you can see how blue the sky was.

Some shots after the ceremony.

It ended up getting really windy after the ceremony, and I was actually teasing Melissa and Casey because I called this shot the "I'm the king of the world" shot from Titanic. The sun was perfect, you can see how it was a nice orange glow.

I like this shot because you can see them in the background standing next to each other just like the two dolls on the table

The end...

yeah! its much better,
very cool.
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